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Palacký University

Students affairs offices

International Relations Office of Palacký University

Křížkovského 8
771 47 Olomouc

LLP - Institutional Coordinator and Head of the International Relations Office     

Mgr. Yvona Vyhnánková
+420 58 563 1041
+420 58 522 3494

  • bilateral agreements
  • learning agreements ( when previously signed by a PU departmental coordinator)
  • official documents – e.g. confirmation of a study period

LLP – Incoming Foreign Students' Coordinator
Mgr. Zuzana Hamdanieh
:     +420 58 563 1108

  • information for students interested in an Erasmus study stay at PU
  • provides application forms
  • receives and administrates application materials
  • sends letters of acceptance, practical information before arrival
  • organization of an orientation week for incoming students
  • practical information upon arrival (student ID, trampass, enrolment form etc.)

Palacký University Faculty Coordinators

With regard to Erasmus students' agenda they deal with:

  • STAG ( PU information system of  academic registration)
  • Final Transcript of Records
  • Housing Subsidy

Faculty of Arts - Mrs. Zuzana Henešová (
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry - Mrs. Zuzana Kullová (
Faculty of Health Sciences – Mrs. Irena Jedličková
Faculty of Sciences - Mrs. Dana Gronychová (
Faculty of Law - Mrs. Radana Kuncová (
Faculty of Physical Culture - Mrs. Zuzana Hanelová (
Faculty of Education - Mrs. Jana Dostálová (
Faculty of Theology  - Mrs. Kateřina Hamplová (

In addition to being in contact with the above mentioned PU administrators (LLP incoming students´coordinator and a faculty coordinator), an Erasmus student carries out a regular contact with a departmental coordinator, a person responsible for an academic part of a student's stay:

  • Helps with a study plan before arrival
  • Provides information on academic matters (courses, credits etc.)
  • Gives an approval to a proposed programme of study/ Learning Agreement
  • The first to sign a Learning Agreement (on a receiving institution's side)


Last update: 17. 12. 2015, Daniel Agnew