Medical facilities
Olomouc provides high-quality health care services through public and private medical facilities. In the Envelopa area (J.L.Fischera Hall of Residence, Šmeralova street no. 10), students can use several medical specialists:
- MUDr. Ševčíková, English-speaking general practitioner, tel.: 585 224 204, e-mail: jarkasevcik@volny.cz
- MUDr. Johnová, a gynecologist, tel.: 585 224 043
- MUDr. Davidová, a dentist, tel.: 585 220 463
- MUDr. Kašpárek, an endocrinologist, tel.: 585 232 384
- MUDr. Kolařík, a neurologist, tel.: 585 220 455
Other medical specialists (surgeons, dentists, eye doctors, opticians, urologists, internists, gyneacologists etc.) and medical services (X-rays, laboratories, pharmacies) you can find in main Olomouc Health Centres and in Olomouc University Hospital:
- Polyclinic II at třída Svobody no. 32 (www.poliklinikaolomouc.cz)
- SPEA at nám. Národních hrdinů 2 (www.spea.cz)
- Olomouc University Hospital is the biggest health care facility in Olomouc region. More information at www.fnol.cz .
Note that you will need to pay a fee of 30 CZK (approx. 1,2 EUR) for an appointment with a medical doctor or for any prescribed medication.
In case of medical emergencies, call:
- 155 (life emergency)
- 554- 4444 (non-stop medical service)
- 112 (SOS Emergency call)
- 585 228 811 ( DELTA – private ambulance service)