The Faculty of Theology was incorporated again in Palacký University in 1990, after a gap of forty years, enforced by the Communist regime. Now it obtained a chance to continue in all the good things that were produced, over several dramatic centuries, by its predecessor, the Theological Faculty – the first among the faculties when Olomouc University was established in 1573.
The SS. Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology regards as its mission to provide a deeper insight in the Catholic beliefs but also to take part in the practical activities resulting from faith, namely work in social, educational and humanitarian areas. The faculty thus not only prepares theologians for priesthood but also offers opportunities for study in B.A., M.A. and doctoral programmes.
For this purpose the Faculty makes use of its own academic staff but also cooperates with the other faculties as well as with institutions outside the university, especially the Higher Vocational School for Social Workers Caritas in Olomouc. The existence of two attractive B.A. programmes within the programme Social policy and social work are an outcome of this cooperation. The branch Charity and Social Work prepares qualified social workers in these areas and medium-level managers for non-profit, church, state and local self-government bodies. The other branch of study, Social and Humanitarian Work, preparing for work with ethnic minorities, professional assistance for immigrants, including reference to their religious and cultural backgrounds, is performed by the same partner, the Higher Vocational School Caritas.
New knowledge and skills as well as the B.A. and M.A. degree are obtained by graduates of the Pegagogic Studies, namely the Social Pedagogic, who find job opportunities in various institutions of education and of pedagogic of the free time.
A longer study at the Faculty of Theology, for an M.A. degree, is in Catholic Theology, a programme preparing for current or specialized forms of pastoration in the Catholic Church, including religious instruction at various types of school, church institutions and for all activities of social and state organizations where religious knowledge and approach is required. The M.A. level study for teaching career is provided in co-operation with the Pedagogical Faculty of Palacký University. This subject, Christian Education for 2ndlevel Elementary School Teachers, can be combined with Czech or German or English Studies. People interested in combined M.A. study are offered the subject Christian Education.
Doctoral programmes, Biblical Theology, Systematic Theology and Christian Philosophy, and Practical Theology are a culmination of the university studies at the Faculty of Theology. Naturally, the study is based on the credit system ECTS – European Credit Transfer System.
The programmes offered by the Faculty to meet the demands of a wide range of people outside the university, who are keen on lifelong study, are part of the programme of the University for the Third Age.
High-quality instruction with use of modern communication aids is not the only priority for the Faculty of Theology. Concentrated around the Centre for the Study of Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Texts is interdisciplinary research work, which has been going on for several years. Patristic, medieval and renaissance texts are studied for the forthcoming critical editions, and the still unpublished Latin manuscripts linked with Bohemia and Moravia are going to be published. Thus major works of European Christian culture will be made available in translation to the Czech public. The interdisciplinary team consists of Classical and Middle Latin philologists, philosophers, theologians and historians of science. The Centre for the Dialogue between Science and religion, attached to the Department of Systematic Theology, also plays an important role in this research project.