Departments and Institutes
Department of Philosophy and Patrology (cz)
The Department of Philosophy and Patrology trains students of theology and Christian education. Within a 2-year course of studies it offers the basics of logic and epistemology, ontology, cosmology, philosophical anthropology, philosophical theology, ethics, political philosophy as well as the history of philosophy in general. It also has responsibility for teaching courses in Greek and Latin Patrology and Monastic studies. The practical classes in foreign languages (German, English and Italian) are also undertaken under the auspices of the department.
Department of Biblical Studies (cz)
The Department of Biblical Studies has two sub-divisions: the division of studies of the Old Testament and that of the New Testament. Within these disciplines it provides a general and specific introduction to the holy books and their exegesis. It offers a course in biblical archaeology and caters for the teaching needs of the old biblical languages: Hebrew, Greek and Old Church Slav.
Department of Systematic Theology (cz)
This department educates students in fundamental theology, it also offers a course in religious studies, dogmatic and moral theology. Within these disciplines it also offers specialist seminars.
Department of Church History and Church Law (cz)
The Department provides training in the basics of Church History (an 8-semester course in universal and Czech Church history, the history of Christian art and the protection of the Christian heritage) and Church Law (an introductory course to the philosophical and theological principles of religious law, its dogmatics under the Code of Canon Law and the Code of Canons of Eastern Churches, the principles of the relation between State and the Church).
Department of Liturgy Theology (cz)
The department is further divided into several sections. The section of Liturgy provides complete courses in general and specialised teaching about the clerical life of the church. The section of Liturgical Music gives students practical and theoretical information in the sphere of liturgical singing. Pastoral theology, medicine and methodology introduce the students to the practice of pastoral life.
Department of Christian Education (cz)
The department takes part in both the scientific and practical training of future teachers of religious education. It provides training in the pedagogical disciplines, a complete course in psychology, and trains them in the subjects necessary for graduation as a teacher.
Department of Pastoral and Spiritual Theology (cz)
The Department of Pastoral and Spiritual Theology brings on the level of undergraduate studies a spiritual and ecumenical dimension to theological studies. At the postgraduate level the department offers a deeper interdisciplinary study of both western and eastern theology, spirituality and culture. The study of Oriental Christianity is a contribution to the specific position of the TFCM as reflected in its name - Theological Faculty of SS Cyril and Method. Through this it cultivates its own theological tradition.
Department of Christian Social Work (cz)
The Department of Christian Social Work organizes study of two bachelor study programmes: Charity and social work and Social and humanitarian aid work, the latter being unique in Central Europe. The study of current and prospective (master degree) programmes is open to all applicants interested in high quality and demanding professional training uniting elements of scientific reflection, practical training and enhancement of cultural-religious sensitivity in a balanced way. Although the study takes place at the Catholic faculty of theology, it is opened to everyone regardless of his/her faith.
Research Centres and Institutes
Centre for Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Texts (cz)
The Centre for Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Texts is a research centre of our faculty. It is involved in the study of important works of European Christian culture with the aim to make them available to the Czech professional as well as the general public, and to prepare editions of as yet unpublished Latin manuscripts linked with the Czech lands. The Centre was formed as an interdisciplinary team made up of classical and medieval Latin philologists, philosophers, theologians and historians.
Institute for Intercultural, Interreligious and Ecumenical Research and Dialogue (IMEVD) (cz)
Olomouc University Social Health Institute (OUSHI) (cz)
The OUSHI is a science and research institute at the Palacky University in Olomouc which was established to provide general support for research and education in the area of social aspects of health. OUSHI focuses on research of social determinants of health, health psychology, epidemiology and public health.