Basic information for applicants
Basic information for applicants
Master study program Charity and social work is offered in three specializations and is taught mainly in Czech language. In specialization International humanitarian and community social work selected courses are taught in English (see below)
Global problems and international social policy
Doc. RNDr. Pavel Nováček, CSc.
Mgr. Agnieszka Zogata Kusz, Ph.D.
The main aim of the course is to acquaint students with selected problems at the global level, i.e. those which affect most societies in the world; consequently, to introduce to students social policies in various countries, including non-European ones.
Thanks to attendance in the course students will be able to analyze social problems and policy responding to them in wider context as well as to compare social policies in various regions of the world. Additionally, their language and presentation skills, critical thinking as well as analytical skills will become improved.
The course introduces selected global problems. Among these belong issues of global trade and finance, poverty, demography, or human rights. Then, the course introduces various welfare state conceptions. It presents how social policies not only in rich democracies, but also in so-called developing countries, deal with such problems.
Basic topics:
1. Global issues – an introduction
2. Characteristics of selected global issues I (e.g. global trade and finance; poverty; environmental issues, human rights).
3. Characteristics of selected global issues I II (e.g. demography, security)
4. Patterns of policy responses – an introduction.
5. Social policy in European countries.
6. Social policy in „developed“ non-European countries.
7. Social policy beyond „developed“ countries.
8. Global social policy of selected international organizations.
Selected problems of international migration
Mgr. Agnieszka Zogata Kusz, Ph.D.
The aim of the course is to assist students in gaining better understanding of migration issues and migrants’ problems; present theoretical concepts that try to explain both migration and migration regulation; give students a chance to analyze the causes of migration, as well as its impacts on receiving countries, home countries and, in particular, migrants themselves; provide students with the opportunity to practice their language skills as well as critical thinking.
Attending the course, students will get better understanding of migration questions. They will be able to explain causes and effects of migration in both, micro and macro level, together with factors influencing the (non-) appearance of particular effects. They will be able to analyze immigration control policy as well as point out the limits of government intervention and their examples.
Basic topics: causes of migration; immigration control and its limits; effects of migration on migrants themselves and their families; effects of migration upon sending countries; effects of migration upon receiving countries
Peace and conflict
Mgr. Ing. Květoslava Princová, Ph.D.
Mgr. Agnieszka Zogata Kusz, Ph.D.
The aim of this course:
To acquire general understanding of key factors and mechanisms causing conflict and enabling peace and be able to critically analyze historic and comparative cases of intra- and international conflict, war and peace.
The student will understand the causes of conflict and will be able effectively influence reconciliation and building of peace.
Essay with the theme of reconciliation, conflict solving
The content of the course:
Introduction to central theories of conflict, war and peace.
Introduction to the relationship between conflict, war and peace and certain further phenomena such as a state’s system of government and nationalism.
Theoretical premises and the mechanisms that link the explanatory factors to decisions on war and peace.
Examples of contemporary conflicts: their history, causes, periods of peace, different models
Post-conflict reconciliation
Community based approach to development programs
D.E.A. Aloysius John
Prepare humanitarian workers in the field of development project through acquisition of skills and appropriates working methods with tools as well as theoretical input on development, community organization and people oriented projects. The participants must be able to identify and analyze needs, design appropriate projects, implement and monitor them and at the end be in a position to evaluate them and analyse the impact of the projects.
Competencies to be acquired:
Undertake community based social analysis
Introduction to project and program approach
Capacity to do Need analysis with a participatory approach
Design people oriented development programs using the log frame.
Evaluation methodology
Strategic development of projects
Modern trends in the development field.
The submission of a concrete project applying the acquired theories and principles. This will be a group work with the submission of a collective case study and presentation before the class. Presence during the lectures is obligatory
Main Topics:
Community based Need Analysis and social analysis
Project management and related challenges
Community organization methodology and challenges to build resilient communities in the development field
Introduction and application of Methodologies for evaluation, impact analysis and how to implement them
Strategizing the development process in the micro development field.
Intervention methodology for building resilient communities
D.E.A. Aloysius John
Prepare Expert humanitarian actors through the acquisition of professional and efficient Disaster response capacities and skills and through utilization of modern tools and mechanism in order to build pre and post disaster resilient communities.
Competencies to be acquired:
Capacity to analyse extreme environments, vulnerability and disaster both urban and rural
Capacity to initiate effective disaster response in Complex situations and initiating disaster recovery plans.
Understanding of the different methods in particular the LRRD process in disaster response
Community based Disaster risk reduction and community based disaster preparedness.
The acquisition will take place through participation in the lectures and group work which will facilitate immediate application of the learnt principles and theories.
The submission of a concrete case study based on an ongoing crisis or a major crisis. This will be a group work with the submission of a collective case study and presentation before the class.
Continued control during the classes through preparation of short presentations and response to questions.
Presence during the lectures is obligatory
Main Topics:
Disaster and vulnerability analysis
Analysis of disasters and their impact on the population
Disaster in conflict situations ; urban disasters
Resilience and the utilization of the concept in disaster response.
Community approach to disaster response and building collective resilience
Humanitarian organizations development
D.E.A. Aloysius John
Humanitarian experts are prepared to ensure effective development of organizations through relevant organizational diagnosis, appropriate response to tackle organizational issues, undertake change management and ensure relevant empowered organizations capable of responding and adapting to the new development trends.
Competencies to be acquired:
Organizational diagnosis, Organizational development process
Organizational strengthening and institutional development process
Strategic planning and non profit organizations
Organizational analysis in crisis situations
Risk analysis and risk management
Good governance in development organizations.
The acquisition will take place through participation in the lectures and group work which will facilitate immediate application of the learnt principles and theories.
The submission of a concrete case study based on the organizational diagnosis of a crisis situation and concrete application of the organizational development theories on the organization.
Continued control during the classes through preparation of short presentations and response to questions.
Presence during the lectures is obligatory
Main Topics:
Organizational diagnosis methodology
Organizational development process and methodology
Strategic plan and Restructuration of organizations
Risk and Quality management
Strategic planning methodology
New Challenges in Humanitarian Assistance
Mgr. Ing. Květoslava Princová, Ph.D.
The goal is to get acquainted with global challenges requiring international response. Get acquainted with comprehension of risk and with the phenomenon of risk in international relief. Get acquainted with developmental approaches in international relief and with risk reduction and prevention of disasters in vulnerable countries.