Scientific Activities
Scientific focus of the members
Prof. Pavel Ambros, Th.D.
He studies problems of relation between faith and culture of modern man in Europe. At the same time he reflects eastern and western tradition. He tries to see, which questions of modern man find the response in wealth of the both apostolic traditions. In his studies he is concentrated to spiritual and pastoral questions of new evangelization, inculturation and of all activities of Church in contemporary world, included its ecumenical dimension.
Doc. Dr. Michal Altrichter, Th.D.
He is concentrated on the history of spirituality connected with musicology and his research concerns the Ignatian spirituality. It accounts also accents of russian religious thinking.
Jaroslav Franc, Th.D.
He deals with the study of the spirituality of Christian East. His effort is to search dialogue between East and West in context of religious and cultural traditions.
Marta Lucie Cincialová, Th.D.
She is concentrated to the study of development of devoted life's forms (beginnings of monasticism, spirituality of desert), Franciscan spirituality and mysticism
Luisa Karczubová, Th.D.
Spiritual conclusion of patristic topics, research in area of the Czech theology of period of Tomáš Štítný from Štítné and patristic influence in his work
Jaroslaw Pastuszak, Th.D.
Phenomenology of religion and interreligious dialogue, relationship between theology and art (culture), searching of new way of theological human communication by means of art-cultural dialogue.
Dr. Michael Špaček
He is especially focused on the Greek and Slavic spiritual tradition, history of monasticism and mystagogue of eastern liturgical documents.
ThLic. Michal Umlauf
Pastoral activity of Church particuraly in the area of charitable and political diaconate, relationship between Church and NGO, volunteering, spirituality of marriage.